Transportation and Parking: Managing Costs

By Eugene Smith

Many students feel that when to coming to college, it's imperative to have a car in order to get around both on campus and off campus. However, that's actually far from the truth! When coming to Wesleyan there are so many ways to get around via car without even having one. But first if you are bringing a car on campus here is the rundown.


Parking here on campus is quite expensive. If you bring a car here on campus you are technically required to get a parking permit which costs upwards of 100 dollars. While this is expensive there is a loophole around it. The parking permit is for parking on Wesleyan University parking lots. If you park your car on the street there is no costs at all. That said be advised that during inclement weather you will have to move your car somewhere off the street.

Riding sharing

If you have a car be a friend and post in West Rides. WesRides is a facebook community for students who have cars and are willing to give rides to other students off campus. This is a great way to offset the cost of gas for a trip that you have already planned, bu also a great way to help out other students who need a ride! Check it out

If you don't have a car


Do you have a license but don't have a car? Zipcar may be an option for you to get some driving in. For 15 dollars a year you can pay for a zipcar subscription. When buying into this subscription you have the ability to “rent-a-car” at anytime one is available: there are around five on campus. So how does it actually work? You use the app on your phone to see what cars are free for use, then you select how long you want to rent it for(its around $8 per hour), then you are good to go! Gas and insurance are covered so no need to stress about that.

The New Haven Shuttle

Wesleyan provides The New Haven Shuttle which operates every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Shuttle reservations need to be made in advance. The deadline to make reservations is Thursday at 4pm for the Thursday Shuttle, Friday at 4pm for the Friday and Saturday Shuttle and Saturday at 4pm for the Sunday Shuttle. Reservations need to be made at the Box Office .The fee is $10.00 per person each way


During Fall, Thanksgiving Winter and Spring break Wesleyan provides shuttles that go directly to New Haven, Hartford Boston and New York. The tickets vary in price but are far cheaper than trying to find transportation outside of Wesleyan. Check out the link to the Website here:

Demetrius Colvin