What Is Your Passion? To Be Determined

by Sandy Kanjanakuha

Before I came to college, people often asked me, what is your passion? I never knew how to answer that question because when I started university, I never really knew what I liked. Though I decided to give Psychology a try because I did pretty well in high school, along with Economics so that my parents will believe that I will not join the unemployment line after graduation. But after several classes of twitching my leg and twirling my pen in Psychology and Economics, I realized that you can be unemployed with any degree.

The things that society deem “practical” like Economics or Computer Science are not necessarily the best option because without passion you will never persevere and excel. Everyone has a chance to be unemployed, so why not put your best foot forward and take a chance with something you love. Yes, I am telling you to go after your passion and yes, you probably have heard it more times you can remember. However, I am not telling you to blindly pursue your passion. You need to have a game plan. Ask yourself, how can I take my passion and turn it into something that will be useful to others? Do you need to learn to code while pursuing a studio art major? Do you need to get an education certificate?

Yes, that means you taking some courses you do not always enjoy, and you don’t always need to enjoy them. They are the stepping stones for your passion to persevere, and you can only do so with planning. Nevertheless, you also need to remember this: you will change. As you expose yourself to new courses and new people, your perception will change and your passion might change along with it, and that’s completely fine. It is important for you to keep an open mind because you never know what you might like or not. So here is my game plan for you: 1. Decide on what your passion is (it will take a long time, trust me) 2. How to make your passion practical (this will also take a long time), but I definitely believe it will all be worth it. So the next time someone asks you what your passion is, tell them, it is still to be determined (if you have not decide on one yet, but if you did congratulations!).

Demetrius Colvin